66% Female (5,043)
33% Male (2,564)
1% Unspecified (76)
Borrower gender
Total amount lent
  • Agriculture
    2,039 loans
  • Retail
    1,277 loans
  • Food
    1,163 loans
  • Education
    730 loans
  • Housing
    583 loans
  • Services
    506 loans
Top sectors
  • 12.74%
  • 7.71%
  • 5.61%
  • 5.52%
    El Salvador
Top countries
  • 7,687
    Total loans
  • 173
    Loans this month
  • 768.7
    Loans per member
  • 10
    Team members
  • 0
    New members this month
  • 63 of 81
    Countries (including inactive)
  • Antonette


    Philippines | Agriculture | Farming

    A loan of $175 helped Antonette to purchase fertilizers and other farm supplies.

  • Mariana


    Honduras | Agriculture | Farming

    A loan of $1,225 helped Mariana to buy fertilizers and materials for growing vegetables.

Recent borrowers