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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Business Consultant, Pastor
I loan because:
I participate in Kiva because I believe that micro loans are an effective way to improve the quality of people's lives. I have been participating in different micro loan programs for years before joining Kiva, and I'm glad that there is a place like Kiva to facilitate something so beneficial to developing countries.
About me:
I have been involved with small business consulting for a long time. I've participated in a lot of fantastic ventures, mostly in Canada and the USA, so for the most part, I knows what works and what doesn't when it comes to micro-finances and small business funding. My interests include Kung Fu, Royal Canadian Armed Forces, film, books, music, Christian missions work, small business, cars, city planning, art, photography, and probably a bunch of other stuff as well. :)
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Member Since:
Feb 22, 2011
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Asif Zamir's loans

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