A loan helped to repay a loan she used to purchase 25 goats.

Mimoza's story

Mimoza has added 25 goats to her existing herd, yet she has no money to pay for them. Thus, with your financial help of 250,000 ALL that she is requesting from you, she will pay off this debt owed to some distant relatives.

Mimoza is a villager and a married mother of two children (ages 14 and 18) who does agriculture/livestock work to earn an income for her family. All in all now, she’s got 70 goats. Fifty-five of them were purchased with the money Mimoza’s husband earned from his seasonal work as a goat keeper in Greece, and 25 with money they got from relatives with a promise to repay them within a year. When her husband goes to Greece to work for three months, Mimoza and their 14-year-old son take the goats to graze; otherwise, it is her husband who does it.

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