A loan helped a member from the vulnerable Egyptian community to buy some hens, with plans to sell their eggs.

Violeta's story

Violeta, a member of the vulnerable ethnic Egyptian Albanian community, is a devoted wife and mother of four children. Among them, her youngest child was born blind, and her daughter has severe autism. Despite these challenges, Violeta takes on the role of caregiver for her children, receiving a modest pension in addition to their disability benefits. Additionally, she endeavors in agricultural activities on her family's land.

With the support she received last time, Violeta invested in purchasing lambs, which she later sold, generating income for her family. Presently, she seeks further assistance to purchase hens, with plans to sell their eggs. Given the recent doubling of egg prices in the market and the minimal care required for hens, this venture holds promise for additional income.

Violeta humbly requests your support once again. She expresses gratitude to all Kiva lenders in advance and wishes all the best to all of you.

This loan is special because:

It enables women living in rural areas to access credit tailored to their needs.

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