A loan helped to pay for her seasonal agricultural expenses so she will be able to keep providing for her family.

Floresha's story

Floresha is a 38-year-old rural woman from south Albania. She lives with her husband, her two children and her elderly mother in a small village house.

The main income-producing activity in her family is agriculture, in which Floresha work with her husband. They plant different vegetables, mainly onions, potatoes and garlic. She does not immediately sell the harvest, as it would currently sell at a very cheap price. Rather, she waits for the winter season when she can sell at a higher price.

For this she she currently has no income and no possibility to continue her agricultural activity in the next season. Floresha is hoping that Kiva lenders will support her for the first time, allowing her to pay for her seasonal agricultural expenses so she can continue providing for her family.

This loan is special because:

It supports women in a country where financing options are scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details