A loan helped to pay for a scheduled surgery for their little son, seen in the photo with them, so he can grow up normally.

Viktor's story

Thanks to a previous Kiva loan, Viktor could start a used clothing business, which is the only source of income for this vulnerable family.

Viktor is 25 years old now and is a happy father of three little children. His oldest son is six years old, while the youngest is only fourteen months old. He lives with his wife, the beautiful lady seen in photo with him, and his children in a very small house, which he has finished thanks to two previous Kiva loans.

Viktor is asking again for Kiva lenders' support. He needs to pay for a scheduled surgery for their little son seen in the photo with them, so he can grow up normally. Viktor really counts on your support and wishes all of you a prosperous year ahead.

This loan is special because:

It supports excluded and displaced populations in Albania.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details