A loan helped to repair his bike and buy a pair of tires so he can run his bike business as normal again.

Baptista's story

Baptista is a 39-year-old married man. He is a hardworking young man with very good skills and experience riding a bike, and with these skills he has a motorbike transportation business (local people usually call it an ojek). This kind of business is a very common in his municipality due to the very bad roads. Most of the customers live in a rural area.

Running the transportation business has made Baptista independent and helped him provide a better life for his family. He would like a loan of USD 700 through KIF to help improve his business. He plans to use this loan to repair his bike and buy a pair of tires so he can run his bike business as normal again.

This loan is special because:

It provides entrepreneurs in underserved communities with the means to grow their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details