A loan helped .

Rebecca's story

I love olives & I love sharing my inventive kitchen creations.

Originally, it was just with family & friends, but then, I was encouraged to try selling my famous olive tapenade. I was thrilled to launch it as a tiny business & am thrilled to see it growing. I can't wait add more flavors and see how far my business can go!

Just so you know some more about me... for many years I worked for a small micro-enterprise organization in NYC & then later with many starting/expanding businesses as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I had always been interested in business, but then...the bug bit me -- big time! I love the exciting, flexible & innovative space that is found with small businesses & decided to put my tapenade recipe to work.

I love having my own business. It is scary & rewarding; grueling & exhilarating; thinky (accounting/business planning/kitchen chemistry) & feely (tastes/textures/thrill of getting it right). It is all the things!!! I love it & want to do more of it.

This loan is special because:

It helps a passionate woman entrepreneur to grow her delicious olive spread business.

Loan details

About Spread-mmms, LLC

Industry: Food
Years in operation: New Business
Website: spread-mmms.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details