Trustee: Terry Frishman

New York, NY


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
To help aspiring and more established food entrepreneurs have access to interest-free loans to be able to move their culinary businesses forward, ideally with a meaningful mission and quality offerings.
What is the mission of your organization?

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
I will endorse borrowers I believe are committed to moving their businesses forward, while having a social, values-driven impact, in a professional manner, with potential to positively address their goals and objectives. In general, I represent students who have taken my culinary business classes, food entrepreneurs with whom I have worked, and possibly those whom I've repeatedly met through trade organizations or relevant events who could significantly benefit from Kiva Zip. In assessing whether to endorse borrowers, in addition to my personal and professional relationships with them, I will have a frank conversation about how the loan fits into their mission and business plan, as well as what steps they will take to repay their loans.

About Terry Frishman

Location: New York,
Total loans: $177,000

All Loans for this Trustee