A loan helped to buy 40 turkeys and food for them so he can sell them during Christmas time and make an income for his family.

Tom's story

Since the last time that Tom has asked for a Kiva loan his family situation has changed a lot, All his children are now married and live with their own families, while Tom lives alone with his elderly wife at their small village house. They both practice agriculture and make their living thanks to it.

He stated: "I have cows and goats and I enjoy taking care of them. Every morning, as soon as I wake up, without even having any coffee, I run to the animals to feed and milk them. Afterwards, I take them out so that they can breathe some fresh air and while they are out, I clean up their stable. I love my animals and I love what I do for them. I have been running this type of activity for the past fourteen years and have enjoyed every piece of it, including the income I have been generating."

Tom is hoping in your financial support to buy 40 turkeys and food for them so he can sell them during Christmas and New Year's Eve time and make an extra income for him and his wife.

This loan is special because:

It supports people in a country where financing options are scarce.

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