A loan helped to pay off an old debt to some acquaintances and to buy a small TV, a cabinet, and a shower head.

Elona's story

Elona is 25 and a married mother of a 4-year-old daughter; both are seen in the photograph. She's been working in a shoe factory for a monthly pay of $145, and her husband works as a wholesaler in the fruits/veggies farmers' market for a monthly pay of $241.10. They live in a little town and under poor conditions because they have come from another region and settling in the current residential town hasn't been easy. Elona states, "We literally struggled in the beginning. We had neither land nor property and no financial help from our families because they were poor themselves, and so from a very young age we had no financial stability."

The money that Elona is requesting from you will be used to pay an old debt to acquaintances and to buy a small TV, a cabinet, and a shower head.

This loan is special because:

It supports populations in a country where financing options are scarce.

Loan details

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