63% Female (1,845)
36% Male (1,041)
1% Unspecified (33)
Borrower gender
Total amount lent
  • Agriculture
    921 loans
  • Food
    627 loans
  • Retail
    494 loans
  • Services
    223 loans
  • Clothing
    169 loans
  • Education
    148 loans
Top sectors
  • 16.03%
  • 5.76%
  • 5.62%
  • 4.76%
Top countries
  • 2,919
    Total loans
  • 3
    Loans this month
  • 85.9
    Loans per member
  • 34
    Team members
  • 0
    New members this month
  • 74 of 81
    Countries (including inactive)
  • Tres De Mayo De San Jose Group

    Tres De Mayo De San Jose Group

    Peru | Food | Food Production/Sales

    A portion of Tres De Mayo De San Jose Group's $3,525 loan helped a member to buy rice, chicken, and vegetables to prepare food to sell.

  • Gie Kabitong Katack Sous Groupe 03

    Gie Kabitong Katack Sous Groupe 03

    Senegal | Agriculture | Agriculture

    A portion of Gie Kabitong Katack Sous Groupe 03's $5,650 loan helped a member to develop other businesses such as the marketing of cashew nuts.

Recent borrowers