66% Female (1,098)
33% Male (547)
1% Unspecified (20)
Borrower gender
Total amount lent
  • Agriculture
    582 loans
  • Food
    323 loans
  • Retail
    202 loans
  • Services
    136 loans
  • Education
    98 loans
  • Clothing
    65 loans
Top sectors
  • 9.61%
  • 7.99%
  • 4.26%
  • 3.84%
    United States
Top countries
  • 1,665
    Total loans
  • 2
    Loans this month
  • 3.8
    Loans per member
  • 441
    Team members
  • 0
    New members this month
  • 77 of 81
    Countries (including inactive)
  • Munkhzaya


    Mongolia | Services | Beauty Salon

    A loan of $750 helped Munkhzaya to invest in multi-colored nail polish and high-quality manicure equipment for her salon.

  • Fernando Jose

    Fernando Jose

    El Salvador | Construction | Construction

    A loan of $1,000 helped Fernando Jose to buy a drill, a welder, an electric saw, and other tools for his construction work.

Recent borrowers