55% Female (173)
43% Male (136)
1% Unspecified (4)
Borrower gender
Total amount lent
  • Agriculture
    145 loans
  • Food
    53 loans
  • Retail
    47 loans
  • Services
    25 loans
  • Personal Use
    12 loans
  • Transportation
    6 loans
Top sectors
  • 11.50%
  • 7.99%
    Costa Rica
  • 6.71%
  • 6.07%
Top countries
  • 313
    Total loans
  • 0
    Loans this month
  • 104.3
    Loans per member
  • 3
    Team members
  • 0
    New members this month
  • 78 of 81
    Countries (including inactive)
  • Nestor Javier

    Nestor Javier

    Peru | Food | Fish Selling

    A loan of $800 helped Nestor Javier to invest in repair of his premises to be able to provide better service to his customers.

  • Kathleen Jean

    Kathleen Jean

    Philippines | Retail | Retail

    A loan of $150 helped Kathleen Jean to buy edible oil, sugar, noodles and toiletries.

Recent borrowers