65% Female (285)
35% Male (156)
Borrower gender
Total amount lent
  • Agriculture
    197 loans
  • Food
    125 loans
  • Education
    43 loans
  • Services
    23 loans
  • Retail
    20 loans
  • Clothing
    9 loans
Top sectors
  • 45.12%
  • 19.05%
  • 14.29%
  • 6.12%
Top countries
  • 441
    Total loans
  • 2
    Loans this month
  • 110.2
    Loans per member
  • 4
    Team members
  • 0
    New members this month
  • 15 of 81
    Countries (including inactive)
  • Kuña Guapa De Montillo Group

    Kuña Guapa De Montillo Group

    Paraguay | Food | Fruits & Vegetables

    A portion of Kuña Guapa De Montillo Group's $1,975 loan helped a member to buy fresh vegetables to sell.

  • 4 De Mayo Group

    4 De Mayo Group

    Paraguay | Food | Milk Sales

    A portion of 4 De Mayo Group's $6,050 loan helped a member to buy animal feed.

Recent borrowers