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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
I loan because:
We're a travel company born from a love of South America, a passion for its people and culture. The Viva Expeditions logo is a symbol of our identity and values. Our logo features a cholita; a women that you'll likely see on your adventures in Latin America. Often dressed in 'traditional clothes', bowler hat and a thickly layered skirt. To us, a cholita is a tough women, somebody that works hard, often in high altitudes and in tough climates. Our aim is to provide a little support and empower the cholitas and women of Latin America through micro-financing projects. We do this by donating $5 on every paperless booking made through Viva Expeditions.
About me:
South American and Polar travel specialist
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Member Since:
Dec 5, 2019
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Viva Expeditions's loans

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