A loan helped to pay for higher education in the international and comparative politics program.

Myktybek's story

Myktybek is a freshman in the International and Comparative Politics Program at AUCA. He is from the southern region of Jalal-Abad in Kyrgyzstan. He is passionate about getting an education at AUCA and after graduation helping his family. He wants to gain knowledge in order to be a successful person in the future. Kiva is a wonderful opportunity for Myktybek to study in AUCA.

The family of Myktybek consists of four people: his father, mother, brother, and him. His father is a pensioner. He spends the largest part of his pension on medicine, because his father and Myktybek have health problems. As Myktybek’s family lives in another town, he must also rent a room. Because of health problems he cannot live in the dormitory of the university, which creates additional expenses for his family.

In the future, Myktybek sees himself as a successful person who will help other young men to make their dreams come true.

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