A loan helped a member to buy lambs.

Cuatro Estrellas Group's story

The story told is that many years ago, in a community of the State of Mexico, a very important landowner had three daughters of immense beauty who unfortunately passed away; and in their memory this place is known as Tres Estrellas (Three Stars). The group Cuatro Estrellas (Four Stars) comes from this place, because there are four members who initially decided to request support from VFMéxico in order to improve their businesses. Clarita is a very well liked woman, who besides being very hardworking, is always offering a smile to the people who greet her. Her greatest pride are her seven children. Two of them are currently attending elementary school, while the others come to visit all the time, because they are very close. For more than 25 years old, she has worked raising sheep, because this business is very traditional and simple to do in their community. Also, the personal benefits are significant. "For example, when we have a party at our house for our children or for another relative we take an animal to feed our guests", she comments happily. Besides raising animals, she works in handcrafted embroidery work, because she has many customers who request some of her objects which are masterfully produced. For now, her goal is to have her children finish a professional career. For this, she wants to continue with her business, and she plans to build reinforced corrals to avoid the animals from being stolen or that they run away in any way. On the other side, she is very happy and grateful to VFMexico for the loan because from her beginnings, she has been able to increase her production to up to fifty percent. Also, she was able to build a decent house for her family.

In this group: Yolanda, Felicitas, Clara, Teresa, Norma

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Mueller.

This loan is special because:

It gives rural low-income families in Mexico a chance to work for a better future.

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