A loan helped to pay for higher education expenses.

Fanneiry Ramonita's story

Fanneiry Ramonita is a dentistry student. She seeks a loan to be able to cover her education expenses.

This is her story:

Hello. I am Fanneiry and I am 22 years old. I was born on August 27, 1993 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. I have 10 siblings - 2 brothers and 8 sisters, all of whom are in school today. I live with my husband named Emelfi and have a beautiful 1 year old baby named Emerson. My parents are named Dionisio and Fátima. My father is the only one who works and is the proprietor of a grocery store. My mother is a housewife and cared for myself and my siblings.

I am studying orthodontics at the local university and have been there for seven months. I only have five more semesters before I'll have culminated my studies. I am very pleased to satisfy the needs of the patients to the best of my abilities.

Since my family is so large and continuously growing, I've had to stop my studies because we can't count on sufficient resources to sustain the family. My career has advanced a lot for the infinite mercy of God who never disempowers his children. I ned the loan to be able to finalize my studies. If I don't receive the necessary help I will have the obligation of permanently suspending my studies.

If I do obtain help, my life will change in a significant way and I will do a 360 spin as I could now complete my goals and dreams. The primary thing for me is to go forward for my family. Thanks in advance for the attention and I hope that God illuminates your path and fills you with blessings.

Translated from Spanish.

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