A loan helped to buy fabrics and cotton.

Oyshahon's story

This cheerful and wonderful woman is Oyshahon. She is from Qurgan-Tube city. Oyshahon is 51 years old. She has two sons who are 24 and 21 years old. Oyshahon is a tailor of kurpa and kurpacha. Kurpa are square mattresses, and kurpacha are long mattresses.

Oyshahon has been in this line of work for 11 years. This business not only helps to distract her from life problems, but also is the main source of income for Oyshahon's family. Everyone knows Oyshahon and what a talented seamstress she is. She has no lack of clients for her wares.

Due to insufficient funds, Oyshahon has decided to take a loan and purchase more fabrics and cotton for expanding her work.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Yilin Tan.

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