A loan helped a member to buy pesticide to protect his farm from threatening by insect.

Nga's Group's story

Nga, 63, is the farmer living in a rural area of Kratie province and he is a widower. Nga is a father of eight children, two of whom are dependent children. Growing cassava is the primary source of his family’s income for 7 years. Moreover, he can earn more income via working for others for a fee to improve his living. Since his farmland was destroying by insects, he couldn’t get high yields as his expected.

This is Nga’s second loan with VisionFund to grow his cassava. With the previous loan, he can afford to buy household supplies much better. As the leader of this new loan, he will manage his portion of loan to buy pesticides to protect his farm from threats by insects. He hopes that his cassava will be well growing in order to sell it in good price and allow him to upgrade his standard of living.

In this group: Nga, Chaoban, Kha

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details