A loan helped to purchase candies, cookies, canned soft drinks, fried foods, etc.

Mariana's story

Mariana is a fifty-six-year-old woman who knows that her true vocation is to be a saleswoman. She has been selling food, soft drinks, and candies for thirty-four years outside a primary and secondary school. In addition, she is a client with a long history of working with MiCrédito and has experienced Kiva loans, so she has made both organizations her great allies on her path as a saleswoman.

She has come back for a loan from Kiva and MiCrédito because she needs to stock up on many products and purchase candies, cookies, canned soft drinks, fried foods, etc. since with the sales of this season, she will manage to buffer the time that the school is on vacation. In the future, she wants to purchase a cart with built-in stove to begin to sell products such as hamburgers and hot dogs.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details