A loan helped to renew the machinery that he uses in the hairdressers and to buy another seat and products to sell in his business.

José Santos's story

José is 22 years old. He is married and his partner helps him work in his business and together they have a baby who is one year old.

He has his own hairdressing business in the centre of his town. He works there with his wife who helps him with various parts of the business. He has been doing this for more than five years and he says that it is going very well and that he hopes to move ahead.

José needs a loan to be able to renew the machinery that he uses in the hairdressers and to buy another seat and products to be able to sell in the business. Thus he will be able to serve more customers and earn more.

His dreams are to be able to invest in his business and to have many more customers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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