A loan helped a member to buy a supply of the season's cosmetics products in bulk to offer at the end of the year.

Reina De Corazones Group's story

Romina is a 27-year-old woman who is single, has two children, ages 3 and 10, and her business is selling cosmetics through catalogs. She is a good mother, gentile and very original. She carries out her business as a traveling vendor in the neighborhood "Plan 3000." This is a marginalized part of the city which is becoming a place for manufacturing and production.

Romina is short, dark-skinned, and has brown hair. Her native tongue is guarani and she speaks Spanish. (She is the first person on the right, wearing the pink jacket). She lives with her children, one who is now in school and the other who is not yet of school-age. They live in a rented room built of brick and have basic amenities. The need to overcome is what led her to become part of the communal bank with others who have businesses such as: selling food, selling second-hand clothing, selling cuñapes (yucca and cheese bread), selling soft drinks, a hair salon, clothes making, selling eggs and a tea service.

Her business is the sale of cosmetics through catalogs which she carries out as a traveling vendor. She sells good brands such as Avon, Mary Kay, Jafra and others. She carries out her business traveling all week to different markets and stores in the city. "I sell earrings, lipstick, anti-aging creams, facial treatments, perfumes, mascara, and others," she remarks. The advantage of her business is that she has regular customers but, the disadvantage is that she does not have the money to buy cosmetics in bulk. Her dreams is to stabilize her business as a cosmetics distributor. Her hope is to buy a supply of the season's cosmetics in bulk to offer to her clients at the end of the year.

This is the first loan cycle she has received from the institution in the two years that she has had this business. It is for these reasons that Romina is asking for a loan to buy a supply of the season's cosmetics in bulk to offer to her clients at the end of the year.

In this group: Valeria Nataly, Sandy, Rocio Vanesa, Maria Guadalu, Lorena, Sandra, Romina, Celia, Helen Michel

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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