A loan helped to buy supplies to make the food she sells daily, and to remodel her store's premises.

Rosa Mirian's story

Rosa has a dining room where she serves breakfast and lunch. She lives with her two children, aged 30 and 25, and is also responsible for two grandchildren, aged 14 and 10. She comments that she has no family living abroad. She has been running her business for 20 years, and works from 6am to 3pm. She learned how to run her business with the support of her family, and foresees no problems in continuing to work.

The loan will allow Rosa to buy supplies for making the food which she sells daily, and also to remodel her business premises by replacing the roof, painting the walls and making other necessary changes so that it looks more attractive and will attract new clients. She will be able to rely on future income, but also understands the difficulties that crime could present.

Her dream is to expand her business, generate new income, and be able to support her grandchildren so that they can have an education.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary-Ann Gallagher.

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