A loan helped to buy the materials needed to convert his coffee farm to an organic farm such as organic manure, organic coffee plants, and other items.

Riboberto's story

Rigoberto is a 39 year old coffee grower. He has grown coffee for 20 years and every day he puts into practice new techniques to improve production. Rigoberto lives with his mother and two of his sisters. He is responsible to provide everything his family needs. Rigoberto grows coffee under various labels such as Comercio Justo and Rainforest. Now he wants to product organic coffee which is a new idea in the region, and it will enable him to get better prices for the coffee. The certification of the farm will provide better a better price which helps him have a more abundant harvest and protect the environment through good agricultural practices.Taking advantage of the plagues that have almost wiped out his crops, Rigoberto will use this opportunity to replant and start the certification process from the beginning.

Rigoberto seeks a loan to convert his farm to an organic producing farm which will enable him to have greater income from the coffee and provide greater opportunities to his family. The loan will help Rigoberto certify his farm, resulting in better harvests, better prices, and in the end a better quality of life for his family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Cindy Kendall.

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