A loan helped a member to purchase raw materials to start her millet products business.

Parali Jlg-004 Group's story

Chitra is a 34-year-old who lives with her family of 5 in Tamil Nadu. She works as a daily wage labourer on agricultural fields. Her income from her current job is not sufficient and is also seasonal in nature. Thus, to switch to a more steady source of income, she wants to start her own millet products business.

She underwent training in making millet products under Gramalaya Microfin Foundation. She expects her income to go up considerably post the start of her business. Thus, she needs a loan to purchase raw materials to start her business. She is joined by 4 other women who seek funding to start their respective businesses. Your loan will help these women earn better and save more for future needs.

In this group: Chitra, Rani, Deviga, Malliga, Kiruthiga

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