A loan helped to buy textbooks and school supplies.

Shohidakhon's story

Shohidakhon is a young woman from the town of Isfara. She is 35 years old. She has five daughters. Shohidakhon gave birth to twins twice. Her eldest daughter already goes to school, and this year her eldest twin daughters, who are seven years old, will start first form. Shohidakhon is very happy about this event. Now she must buy textbooks and other things necessary for study. Shohidakhon works as a seamstress and buying all the necessary school supplies is expensive for her, but she must buy them so that her children can get a proper education. Shohidakhon hopes that, thanks to a loan, she will prepare her children for school, and she hopes that they will study very well.

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Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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