A loan helped to pay for one year tuition fees and living expenses at the Maharishi Institute.

Xoliswa's story

Xoliswa is a Business Management Student at the Maharishi Institute and was asked the following questions by a staff member of the Institute: This is her story:

1.What do you study at Maharishi Institute? Which classes do you enjoy most?
I study Bachelor of Arts in management. I enjoy statistics and business communication classes.

2. What are your goals after graduating from the Institute? Please be specific: In which sector do you expect to work? In which city would you like to work? Would you like to travel?
After graduation I hope to work in the finance department. My goals are to open my own business in consulting and catering field. I would love to work in the Johannesburg for now, but for future I would love to travel and venture to other cities.

3. Tell us about your background. Where were you born? Do you have brothers and sisters? What do your parents do for work? Are you married? Do you have children?
I’m the last daughter born from my mother side; I was born and raised in Soweto. My mom delivered me at home where we live now. I had one brother who passed in 2000, and three older sisters whom I love very much. I do not know who my father is and never asked where he was. My mother is a self-employed pensioner who sells vegetables to support us. I’m not married and I do not have children.

4. What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love singing, reciting poetry with my friends, reading and playing sports at school.

5. How will a Kiva loan change your life? Describe how the loan will affect your studies and your lifestyle: will there be significant changes?
The Kiva loan will change my life for the good. It will help me be able to come to school daily. I will decrease the burden on my mother’s shoulders of helping my sister and I. I will be able to buy food and clothes to come to school with the money I get. There will be an improvement in how life is right now.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details