A loan helped a member to buy additional clothing to sell.

Kukataa Unyonge Group's story

Luhanga's (far left) last loan was $250 from Wezesha Project in the town of Uvira, Democratic Republic Of Congo. She used this loan to buy clothes to sell, and now that loan has been fully repaid and the profit was helpful for her family and increased her capital. She is from Kukataa Unyonge Group, a group of five mamas from Uvira.

This time she is applying for a loan of $300 and she will be using her loan to buy more clothes to sell and increase her income further. In the future Luhanga would like to save money to expand her business and buy a home.

In this group: Luhanga, Salome, Mulasi, Angelani, Binti Amisi

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details