A loan helped to publish her books so that she can sell them at speaking engagements.

Dorothy's story

After working for the city of San Diego for 25 years, Dorothy retired two years ago to focus on her main passion, her life coaching business. She wanted to use her experience and educational background to help people find their purpose and achieve their professional goals.

Dorothy is very passionate about education; she received her Doctorate in Higher Education in 2011, and has been a local author in San Diego since 2009. Since her retirement, she has been making connections in the community and building her client base. She has written three books and realized there is a market for her services.

Dorothy is the author of “My Journey: Butterfly Wings”, which is based on the steps she took to get an education, and is a featured author in two other books.

She will use her loan to publish her books so that she can sell them at speaking engagements. Dorothy dreams of one day traveling all over the world and speaking to people of other languages about her books.

“Do what you love and the money will follow,” says Dorothy.

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