A loan helped a member to buy sugar, rice, and a bottle of refined oil.

Dabel's Group's story

This group, created on 23 May 2009, has just started its 13th loan cycle, and the women are still very determined in their work. The group members live in the same village and share strong ties of solidarity. They all work primarily in small-scale commerce.

Dabel, who is standing on the far right in the photo with her hand raised, is the featured borrower of the group. She is 55 years old, married, and has one son. She works selling food products (tea, sugar, rice, and oil).

With this loan, she plans to buy one 25-kilogram sac of sugar at 25,000 francs CFA, one sac of rice at 13,000 francs CFA, and one bottle of refined oil for 12,000 francs CFA, which she will resell at retail in her village.

Earnings will help her to support her family's expenses and take better care of her family's needs. She will also strengthen her savings.

In this group: Dabel, Adama, Kerde, Fanta, Hawa, Diarry, Mariama Dioulde, Aissatou, Adama Barsa, Khadidiatou, Egue, Fatou, Marie, Tening, Hadjiratou, Diabou, Ramata, Ansarang, Mariama Salle, Diappere, Souba, Mariama, Halimatou, Haby, Ansatou Tening, Tacko, Doussou, Djina, Sebo, Dado

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Lindsay Ferrara.

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