A loan helped a member to buy more plantain and sell to customers.

Unversal Group's story

These three women are from the Universal Group. They are in the trade of plantain, porridge and doughnuts, grocery and soft drinks. The average age of these ladies is 38 years. They have two children and are living in the same neighborhood.
Borkor is the group representative. She is 43 years old and sells plantain. She has been doing this work for 10 years, and sells from door-to-door. The customers find her hardworking. She needs the addition of a loan to increase her capital. This is her 10th loan cycle from ID-Ghana and the Teshie branch, which makes her very experienced and loyal. She has repaid the previous loans without problems, and believes she will make a good profit from this loan.
The group will hold each other responsible for the repayment of the loan.

In this group: Borkor, Mabel, Edith

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details