A loan helped to pay for Two Fresh Life Toilets.

Margret's story

Margret is a businesswoman based in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. She owns rental houses and a chain of social amenities in the expansive and informal urban settlements of Mukuru. She learned about the Fresh Life Toilet from a friend and decided to buy two because it is easier to maintain than a conventional toilet.

Margret is thus applying for a loan to buy two Fresh Life Toilets. She wants to install the toilet so that her tenants can have access to a better and clean sanitation facility. Rental income will be used both to repay her loan, keep diversifying her businesses and create employment opportunities in her community.

Margret hopes to see a cleaner environment in her community so that her businesses will thrive and help her to lead a quality lifestyle.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details