A loan helped a member to buy wholesale soft drinks, candies, and milk.

El Paraiso Group's story

The communal bank EL PARAISO began in the 38th loan cycle in Pro Mujer as a part of Centro Focal de Villa Adela. It’s composed of nine members, and is run by a board of directors, where Santusa is the secretary. There is a variety of businesses maintained by the members of the group, including a corner store, and the sale of candies, gifts, wool, hats and caps, food, and baby clothes.

The loan they’re taking out will benefit small microbusinesses where Santusa is a member. She says she joined Pro Mujer because of a large promotion at the institution. Currently, she runs a corner store. She wants people to know that she learned this business on her own thirty years ago.

The loan she will take out will be used for increasing capital for the purchase of wholesale soft drinks, candies, and milk, which she will acquire from wholesalers in the city of El Alto to later sell in her store. This kind of work allows Santusa to generate resources to support her family economically, since she’s single and has six children.

When asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she responded that she likes the savings and training that the institution offers.

In this group: Santusa, Luisa, Lizeth Abigail, Virginia Lucia, Lilian Lourdes, Lourdes Cristina, Victoria, Maria Elena, Eusebia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Shannon Kirby.

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