A loan helped a member to purchase weather strips at wholesale in order to offer greater quantity and to pay school fees for her son.

Urkupi¥A Group's story

Maria is a 37 year old woman, single, and has an 8-year-old son. Her business is the sale of weather strips and plush cloth.

She is a good mother, enterprising, independent, active, consistent, responsible, and hard-working. Her business is located in the southern region of the city, characterized by its intense economic activity and the establishment of the biggest markets with innumerable galleries and local markets. It is a warm, sub-tropical climate with a temperature that varies during the day between 21-35 degrees Celsius.

Maria has a dark complexion, brown eyes, long black hair that she wears tied behind the neck, short stature, and robust physical constitution. Her mother tongue is Guarani, which she speaks with her family. She also speaks Spanish for cultural and business reasons. In the picture, she is the second from the left, wearing a light blue long-sleeved blouse and blue jeans. She shares her life with her son who is in school. They live in a rented room made of brick and cement with a tin roof and cement floor. They have drinkable water, electricity, and a sewage system. The necessity to improve her business brought her to lead a communal bank made up of people whose businesses include: transportation services, a welding workshop, a video store, tea service, and sales of flatware, cell phones, chickens, and flowers. The group's purpose is to request a loan and expand their businesses.

Her business is the sale of weather strips and plush cloth. The weather strips are adhesive tapes that are placed on the windows to protect from drafts, dust, and noise from the exterior. "The weather strips are to isolate the air and the cold, they help keep the air from entering or leaving the house, cooling the air inside," she says. The advantage of her business is that she has ongoing customers; the disadvantage is the lack of capital to invest in her business. Her dream is to open a stall. She wants to purchase weather strips at wholesale to offer more to her customers. This is the third cycle of loans with the institution in the years that she has developed this activity.

It is for these reasons that Maria requests a loan for the purchase of weather strips at wholesale, to offer greater quantity and to pay school fees for her son.

In this group: Estefania, Gabriela, Silvia Ines, Maribel, Richard, Silvania, Andry Verld, Sarah, Maria Daniela

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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