A loan helped to buy a new sewing machine to continue her business activity.

Surayohon's story

Surayohon is a generous woman. She was born in the southern part of Tajikistan in 1992. She is single and lives with her parents.

Surayohon is a tailor. She sews traditional Tajik women’s dresses. She attracts customers with her beautiful designs and fashionable dresses. She started this business at home, but recently she has opened a tailoring salon where she gets orders and sews with other tailors. She already has regular clients.

The upcoming season is the best time to have a large number of orders. Surayohon wants to work hard in order to have income to live and to help her parents. She wants to buy the necessary things for her business, such as textiles, thread and needles for sewing. She appealed to IMON asking for financial support to buy a new sewing machine in order to continue her activity. She wishes to be supported and awaits the compassion of Kiva lenders.

Loan details

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