A loan helped a member to buy rams to resell.

Benkadi Group's story

Koniba is the client who is holding the ram [in the photo]. She is 23 years old and is a Malian livestock farmer. She is married and the mother of two children (who are one and six years old). She dreams one day to buy rams and cows for her children and to build [a house] in the village. She did not have the chance to go to school, but she does well with her work.

Koniba has been raising livestock for two years. She joined RMCR to support this work. With this loan, she is going to buy rams to fatten and Kinkeliba leaves in the weekly markets in her area.

She makes her resales in the area's weekly markets. Koniba makes an earning of 46,000 francs CFA.

Thanks to RMCR loans, she manages well in her work. She enjoys the work, because it is generates enough income. She doesn't complain about her work.

In this group: Sali, Assan, Koniba, Aminata, Fatoumata, Abi

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Lindsay Ferrara.

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