A loan helped a member to pay for plowing fee.

Saret's Group's story

Saret, a farmer living in the Ek Phnom district of Battambang province, is 57 years old and the mother of seven children. For a living, she grows rice as the main source of income. Moreover, in order to supplement her family’s business she also catches fish to sell. She has been involved in these businesses for 25 years. This is Saret's second time with VisionFund (Kiva’s partner), and she has fully repaid her past loan. Saret, a group leader, is seeking a new loan to pay for plowing fee. She hopes that this loan will enables her to enhance her business to get a better income.

In this group: Saret, Phoeurt, Channthou

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details