A loan helped to purchase large quantities of thread.

Clara Eugenia's story

Clara is a hard-working woman who is persevering in her business, dedicated, honest and helpful. She is a mother and the head of her household. She separated from her husband and kept custody of her daughter.

Clara has a sewing supplies distribution business. Mainly, she sells thread in every color and quality, and thanks to this business she is able to put food on the table every day, give her daughter a good, comfortable home, healthy food, and the possibility to study.

Clara is a woman who knows how to overcome problems; when she became separated, she went to work, and never let her daughter do without. Now, thanks to her skills and perseverance, she has a stable business that is growing.

Clara wants to request a loan in order to stock her business with thread. Mainly, she will purchase quantities in black and white, which are the colors with the most rotation.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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