A loan helped to build a green house.

Abigael's story

Abigael is a 53-year-old mother who has fought a thousand and one battles throughout her life, some won and others lost, but she has always had the strength to pick up herself. Abigael is arguably among the most successful clients of Juhudi Kilimo, a microfinance institution that deals only with smallholder farmers in rural parts of Kenya. She practices mixed farming that is dairy and poultry farming.

To capitalize more on returns from the booming farming business, Abigael is seeking a loan of KES 65,000 to build a greenhouse. Unlike her competition, Abigael conducts proper soil preparation and uses modern farming techniques to ensure high quality produce. By doing this, she has created a name for herself and a demand for her produce. Your lending will contribute greatly to the actualization of Abigael’s goal, which is to expand the greenhouse. In the future, she is also planning to introduce zero grazing method, intensify her maize farming, and start value addition.

Kindly help her out!

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