A loan helped to invest in: detergent, soap, corn, beans, rice, sweets, sugar, etc.

Marta Veronica's story

Marta is 32 years old. She lives very happy and grateful in her humble family house, together with her mother, two older brothers and her life companion. She is humble and hardworking. She owns a small store in front of a school, where she sells her products. Her customers are mostly children, who study at the school, parents and teachers, who buy her products. This is why she has a great demand for her products. Marta is requesting a loan to FUSAI to invest in: detergent, soap, corn, beans, rice, sweets, sugar, etc., and in this way be able to stock up more her small store, which helps her support her household finances.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Mueller.

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