A loan helped a member to buy slipons and sandals to sell door to door.

Discipline Group's story

Evelyn, a member of Discipline group, is 42 and a married mother with two children who are 29 and 15 years old. Both of her children go to school. She is standing second from left in the photograph and sells slipons and sandals door to door. She has been doing this job for three years to support her husband, who is a mason. As a mother, she would not sit back and leave all responsibilities on her husband so she saved some money, which enabled her to engage in the sale of ladies' dresses in town. This has enabled her to meet her family needs.

Evelyn has dreams of expanding her business and educating her children up to higher levels of learning so they have a bright future. Evelyn lacks enough capital, which has led to the sluggish growth of her business. She, therefore, needs a loan to boost her business. So together with Tawiah, Juliana, Gertrude and Leticia, the group needs a total of GHS 4,600 to boost their businesses.

In this group: Evelyn, Leticia, Tawiah, Juliana, Getrude

Loan details

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