A loan helped to pay for applications and incorporation of phytosanitary products, fertilizer, and pay labor costs for his crop.

Edgar's story

Edgar is 21 years old, lives in his own house with his spouse and their young son, 3 years old, in the district of Pomahuaca which is found in Jaén province, Cajamarca region, in the northern mountains of Peru. The population of this district works primarily in agriculture, trade, and raising animals.

He works in agriculture, specifically in growing Catimore variety coffee. He has 5 years of experience in this field. The loan that will be granted to him will be used in agricultural work, applications and incorporation of phytosanitary products, fertilizer, and pay labor costs for his crop. This will help him with the physiological, morphological and productive improvement of his crop, and also to have a good harvest. In the end, he will have a better production and better quality product, so he will not have problems selling his products, which will generate more income which will allow him to improve his quality of life and that of his family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

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