A loan helped to buy beauty products to sell.

Ermelinda's story

Ermelinda, 37 years old, is married and is the mother of two sons and one daughter, all of whom are studying in the community school. She makes a living selling cosmetic products and perfumes.

Ermelinda has three years of experience in selling beauty products as her personal business. She learned everything from her sisters, who used to make a living selling cosmetics through catalogs.

The money will be utilized to buy beauty products, which are in a liquidation season, and can be bought at a low price, to later be put on sale for a better price. With this, she will generate better profits to reinvest and to continue strengthening the capital of her business.

The goals that she has in the future are to have a bazaar and a beauty salon. She also dreams of studying cosmetology.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lara Roy.

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