A loan helped a member to buy more vegetables to re-sell.

Mrs. Sokhon Khourn Village Bank Group's story

Seventeen people in Knong Preaek village in Kandal province form this village bank and Mrs. Sokhon K. is the village bank president. She buys vegetable to re-sell in the local market. Since her business is going well, she wants to expand it. Thus, she decided to ask for a loan to buy more vegetables to re-sell. She hopes to increase her income and improve the famiL.'s living conditions with this loan. Her husband, Mr. Ruos Kuoch, is a healer in the local village. Mrs. Sokhon K. is 32 years old and the mother of three children who are attending the local school.

In this group: Sokhon, Sou Ang, Sina, Sreineang, Ya, Meng, Thou, Leang Ai, Chanthou, Sopheap, Chhengkith, Koemsaer, Lorn, Sim, Socheat, Kek, Thy

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