A loan helped to purchase ducks as well as high-quality feed.

Taw Ka Yan Shae Village Group's story

This community is located in Taw Ka Yan Shae Village in Myanmar's Ayeyarwaddy Delta region. The Community Based Organization (CBO) consists of five committee members overseeing 30 village customers. This new loan would help the Taw Ka Yan Shae group members buy food for ducks (1 packet = $14, feeding 100 ducks for five days) and purchase more ducks. More ducks will increase the income from more duck eggs.

Pictured above are committee members from Taw Ka Yan Shae Village CBO, named Daw Mya, Daw Hla, U Kyaw, and U Chit.

Most of the villagers are farmers and do cropping as well as plant seasonal fruits such as melons and vegetables. Some of the men work as cycle carriers and for livestock, most raise pigs or cows. Daw Aye, included in the photo (First from left) is a 45-year-old farmer and her husband as well is a farmer. She lives together with four family members including two children. For income, she does cropping and her raises livestock too such as pigs and cows. Like other members, she plans to buy more food for ducks so that she will have more eggs to sell as well as more ducks.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details