A loan helped to buy 5 sheets of laminate and 25 blocks to build space for 75 chickens and chicken feed.

Ana Isabel's story

Ana, age 45, did not have the opportunity to study. She has been a widow for 12 years and has four grown children who live independently. Only one grandchild lives with her, and he is the only person who depends on her. Ana sells fruits and vegetables, but at the moment she is not working because the season for it has passed. Because of this, she is requesting a loan to start a chicken farm. She will buy 5 sheets of laminate and 25 blocks to build a space to raise 75 chickens and keep 2 quintals of chicken feed.
She hopes that this investment will happen so that she can give her grandchild an education--an opportunity that she did not have.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Cooper.

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