A loan helped a member to purchase more plastic products, cups, and sauce pans and sell them to customers.

Yehowa Akwe Group's story

The Yehowa Akwe ('God should take control') Group consists of two members who live in Teshie, Accra, Ghana. They have applied for a loan of GHS 2,300 from ID Ghana to invest in plastic products, cups, sauce pans, wigs, and earrings.

Rebecca is a 31-year-old, single woman who lives in Teshie, Accra, Ghana with her 8-year-old son. She is the featured borrower. She has been selling plastic products, cups, and sauce pans for one year. She was previously selling fish.

Currently, she wants to buy more plastic products, cups, and sauce pans, but she doesn't have enough capital. She decided to apply for a loan of GHS 1,500 from ID Ghana in order to purchase more plastic products, cups, and sauce pans and sell them to customers.

Rebecca looks forward to improving her business.

In this group: Rebecca, Vida

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details