A loan helped to pay for 100 packages of forage for feeding the cattle, seeds and fuel for land cultivation.

Shushan's story

Shushan is from Akhlatyan village, where she lives with her husband, father-in-law and two little daughters (in the photo). Shushan's husband works at a local village municipality, but the salary he gets is so low that is hardly enough to cover the family's basic needs.

Shushan runs their family farm in order to sustain it and earn income for their living expenses. She keeps three cows and ten calves, and cultivates wheat, emmer wheat, potatoes, nuts, apples and pears. Shushan and her husband sell the gathered harvest in nearby villages and communities.

To enlarge her farming business, Shushan asks lenders to support her in purchasing 100 packages of forage for feeding the cattle, and seeds and fuel for land cultivation. Shushan is sure that the loan will bring her more income and will make her farm more sustainable and profitable.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details